How to Save Money and Get Discount Health Insurance in Missouri

How to Save Money and Get Discount Health Insurance in Missouri

According to U.S. Census figures, more than 12 percent of the people in Missouri have no health insurance coverage at all, and that number is growing as more and more companies begin phasing out group health coverage for their workers.

If you work for a company which offers group health insurance you might do well to join their plan as quickly as possible. Group plans are forced by law to include individuals with pre-existing conditions and to include people who smoke and use tobacco products. If you are fired or laid off you have many rights concerning health insurance that you do not have if you buy your own health insurance.

But today more and more people are forced to look for their own health coverage. If you are in this category you know how expensive health coverage is – but there are things you can do to save money and get discount health insurance right here in Missouri.

First, give up smoking and all tobacco products. You’ve been meaning to for years – now’s the time. Non-smokers pay a lot less for health insurance. If you’re obese you’ve got to bite the bullet and finally lose that extra weight. It’s hard to drop those pounds, but it can be done, and the thought of all that money you’re going to save on your health insurance premiums may help you on your way.

If you are having problems affording health care perhaps it’s time for you to simply look at health insurance from a different perspective. In the past people have looked to health insurance to pay (or help pay) for every doctor’s visit, and every other small health cost. But what if you change your perspective and look at health insurance as a safety net against wiping out your savings and taking your home in the case of a catastrophic illness or accident.

Looked at in this way, purchasing health insurance with a high deductible makes excellent sense financially. It means that you will be responsible for the majority of your run-of-the-mill health problems, but if a truly catastrophic problem arises, then your health insurance will take wwwcbdbossus, protecting your major assets.

And the higher your deductible the lower your monthly premiums.

Finally, get online and compare various health policies and their prices at a variety of insurance companies. Play around with the form, trying out various deductibles until you find a combination that makes sense for you. Accept the fact that there will be trade-offs when purchasing health insurance, and unless you are wealthy, compromises will undoubtedly have to be made.