There are many could-be causes of child abduction. The most important thing is that you understand how to prevent kidnapping from happening in the first place. Knowing who is around you and the type of people that live in your neighborhood is crucial in the fight against child sex trafficking and other atrocities. Kids Live Safe is an organization that was formed with the mission of keeping kids safe from sexual predators and child abductors. Below are 5 reasons why people tend to abduct children in the first place.
1 Family Arguments
The number one cause of missing children is family disputes. Many times a parent gets mad at the other parent and lashes out by taking the child somewhere without communicating about it first.
2 Extortion for Money or Goods
If you or your spouse are wealthy or work in a financial institution, criminals may seek to use your children to pressure you out of money or possibly even drugs. Doing a background check on the people in your neighborhood and knowing who to keep an eye on could help to avoid things like this.
3 Mental Illness
Perhaps the saddest possibility, mentally ill people can become fixated on children. They can become obsessed with having one of their own. If you know somebody that has a severe mental disorder it is always a good idea to be present when children are around them.
4 Black Market Child Sales
Is sick as it is there is actually a market out there that sells stolen children to so-called needy families. There are people out there who are willing to spend a ton of money for a kid that they can call their own.
5 Sex Trafficking
An absolutely horrible topic, but it is real. Although there is a low percentage of children that actually get abducted by sex traffickers, one is too many.
The Solution: Keep Kids Safe
The Kids Live Safe movement was inspired by the story of Megan Kanka. She was a 7-year-old girl who was brutally raped and strangled to death by her neighbor from across the street. He was a convicted child molester that quietly moved into the neighborhood undetected. Nobody wants to have to live through a horrible tragedy. Things like this can be avoided by knowing facts. Having access to the most powerful and comprehensive databases in the world is an invaluable tool for the concerned parents out there who want to keep their children safe from sex offenders.
Stay Informed About Possible Threats
Unlike other child safety platforms, Kids Live Safe offers a comprehensive alert program that keeps parents and guardians informed about what sex offenders are up to. With Kids Live Safe you can sign up for alerts and get emails when a sex offender moves within 5 miles of you and two other locations that you specify. This way you can stay informed, and know the truth without having to wonder.
Know Who is Around You
Kids Live Safe provides access to massive amounts of public information. All of the arrest and conviction information that is available within the databases is there for your observation. Public records are a variety of transactions that have been recorded for government purposes. Information that is available regarding any person or business is most likely stored in the databases. Your search will reveal information such as:
- Criminal History
- Sex Offenses
- Arrests
- Charges
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- Email Addresses
- Social Media Profiles
- Relatives
- Associates
- Financial History
- Employers
- Affiliations
- Aliases
You can perform a search based on a location, or the name of an individual. It is easy to do your part by knowing where the threats are in your one neighborhood and keeping an eye out for so-called red flags.